/ Published in: Objective C

Simply make sure you have `Markdown.pl` (from Daring Fireball) inside of your application bundle's resources folder. Perl has to be installed on the target machine. If you are developing for iOS, you should build Perl for iOS, pack it with the application and change the `markdownTask`'s launch path.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
[markdownTask setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/perl"]; [markdownTask setStandardInput:markdownPipe]; [markdownTask setStandardOutput:htmlPipe]; [markdownTask launch]; [[markdownPipe fileHandleForWriting] writeData:markdownData]; [[markdownPipe fileHandleForWriting] closeFile]; [markdownTask waitUntilExit]; [markdownTask release]; return output; }