/ Published in: JavaScript
Finds footnotes and adds them to a list. Just put "footnote" into the class of an element, and it'll automatically pull it out of context, replace it with a reference link, put the footnote into the list with id 'notes', and include a backreference so that your readers don't get lost. Embedded markup and nested footnotes work fine. Everything has CSS classes, so you can style it to your heart's content. Requires Prototype.
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var Footnote = Class.create({ initialize: function(element) { var notes = this.findNotes(); var number = notes.select('li').length + 1; var ref = document.createElement('a'); ref.className = 'footnote-reference'; ref.href = '#footnote-' + number; ref.id = 'reference-' + number; ref.appendChild(document.createTextNode(number)); element.parentNode.insertBefore(ref, element); $(element).removeClassName('footnote') var li = document.createElement('li'); li.className = 'footnote'; li.id = 'footnote-' + number; li.appendChild(element); var backref = document.createElement('a'); backref.className = 'footnote-backreference'; backref.href = '#reference-' + number; backref.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\u21A9")); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); li.appendChild(backref) notes.appendChild(li); }, findNotes: function() { return $('notes'); } }); Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { $$('.footnote').each(function(e) {new Footnote(e)}); })