/ Published in: Groovy

this example is based on http://groovy.codehaus.org/Grape
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// this example is based on http://groovy.codehaus.org/Grape import org.mortbay.jetty.Server import org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.* import groovy.servlet.* @Grab(group = 'org.mortbay.jetty', module = 'jetty-embedded', version = '6.1.0') context.resourceBase = "." context.addServlet(DefaultServlet, "/") context.addServlet(TemplateServlet, "*.gsp") // /* WebAppContext webapp = new WebAppContext(); webapp.setContextPath("/"); webapp.setWar("http-server-0.9-SNAPSHOT"); server.setHandler(webapp); */ // //sleep duration println "Press enter or return to stop web server." server.stop() } runServer()
URL: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Grape