ports bulk install command for OSX

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  1. #!/bin/bash
  3. IFS="
  4. "
  5. list="
  6. coreutils@+with_default_names
  7. findutils@+with_default_names
  8. getopt
  9. openssh
  10. sqlite3
  11. apache2
  12. mysql5@+server
  13. postgresql82
  14. postgresql82-server
  15. php5@+macosx+apache2+mysql5+postgresql+readline+pear+pcntl+sqlite+fastcgi
  16. rsync
  17. keychain
  18. subversion
  19. cvs
  20. lv
  21. wget
  22. lha
  23. optipng
  24. advancecomp
  25. aspell
  26. aspell-dict-en
  27. dict
  28. zip
  29. gnupg
  30. ruby
  31. gnutls
  32. lighttpd
  33. fetchmail
  34. maildrop
  35. synergy
  36. "
  38. for i in $list ;do
  39. port install ${i}
  40. done
  42. # /opt/local/apache2/bin/apxs -a -e -n "php5" /opt/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.so

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