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%let name=bar4; filename odsout '.'; /* You have to make some values 'negative' so they'll show up on the left side of the zero axis, but you want their labels to show the positive value. Use a user-defined format to accomplish this. */ proc format; picture posval low-high='000,009'; run; data a; input ITEM $ 1-6 left right; format amount posval.; illusion='Group 1'; amount=-1*left; output; illusion='Group 2'; amount=right; output; cards; ITEM A 41 58 ITEM B 53 51 ITEM C 42 33 ITEM D 23 28 ITEM E 12 17 ITEM F 18 13 ; run; data a; set a; length htmlvar $500; htmlvar='title='||quote( 'Item: '|| trim(left(item)) ||'0D'x|| 'Group 1: '|| trim(left(left)) ||'0D'x|| 'Group 2: '|| trim(left(right)) ) ||' '|| 'href="bar5.htm"'; run; GOPTIONS DEVICE=gif; ODS LISTING CLOSE; ODS HTML path=odsout body="&name..htm" (title="Paired-Bar Chart") style=minimal gtitle gfootnote ; goptions noborder; goptions gunit=pct htitle=6 ftitle="swissb" htext=5 ftext="swiss"; axis1 label=none; axis2 label=none order=(-60 to 60 by 10) minor=none offset=(0,0) value=(h=3pct); pattern1 v=solid color=cxbd0026; /* reddish color */ pattern2 v=solid color=cx43a2ca; /* this is the hex rgb color for mild blue */ legend1 label=none position=(bottom) cframe=white shape=bar(3,3) cborder=white across=2; title "Paired-Bar Chart"; proc gchart data=a; hbar item / discrete type=sum sumvar=amount subgroup=illusion /* this controls the coloring */ nostats maxis=axis1 /* midpoint axis */ raxis=axis2 /* response/numeric axis */ autoref /* reflines at every major axis tickmark */ clipref /* put reflines 'behind' the bars */ legend=legend1 coutline=same html=htmlvar des="" name="&name" ; run; quit; ODS HTML CLOSE; ODS LISTING;
URL: http://robslink.com/SAS/democd6/aaaindex.htm