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class NavSec { private $current_post = 0; private $top_ancestor = 0; private $depth = 2; private $current_class = 'current'; private $nav_id = 'sideNav'; public function __construct( $current_post ) { $this->current_post = $current_post; $this->top_ancestor = $this->get_top_level_ancestor( $this->current_post->ID ); } /** * Find the page that is the highest ancestor of the current page. Normally a section page from the primary Nav * @param int $post_id * @return Object */ function get_top_level_ancestor( $post_id ) { $tmp = get_page( $id ); $tmp = get_page( $tmp->post_parent ); } return $tmp; } /** * Get 1 level of child pages for the supplied post ID * @param int $post_id * @return array */ function get_child_pages( $post_id ) { 'child_of' => $post_id, 'parent' => $post_id, 'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'hierarchical' => 0 ) ); } /** * Output the HTML of the lists */ function render() { // Find top section page $section_post = get_post( $this->top_ancestor ); // Loop thru secondary level pages $this->level( $this->top_ancestor->ID ); // output the lines that have been made ", $this->output_lines ); } /** * Check if current nav item in the loop is the current page, or an ancestor of it. * @param Int $post_id * @return bool */ function is_current( $post_id ) { return ( in_array( $post_id, $this->current_post->ancestors ) || $this->current_post->ID === $post_id ); } /** * Loop thru current level of pages. For the current item, check if there are sub pages, and call this function again inside to do that level * @param Object $page * @return bool */ function level( $page ) { // Get all second level pages in this section $pages = $this->get_child_pages( $page ); // Check if there are any sub pages return false; } $this->output_lines[] = '<ul id="' . $this->get_ul_id( $this->depth ) . '">'; // Loop pages and make menu items foreach( $pages as $item ){ if ( $this->is_current( $item->ID ) ) { // Current second level page '<li class="%s"><a href="%s">%s</a>', $this->current_class, get_permalink( $item->ID ), $item->post_title ); // Check for Sub Pages, and display sub list $this->level( $item->ID ); $this->output_lines[] = '</li>'; }else{ // normal list items, not current, no subnav $this->output_lines[] = sprintf( '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>', get_permalink( $item->ID ), $item->post_title ); } } $this->output_lines[] = '</ul>'; $this->depth ++; return true; } function get_ul_id( $level ) { switch( $level ){ case 2: return $this->nav_id; break; case 3: return 'subNav'; break; default: return 'subNav_' . $level; break; } } }