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This code snippet gets all information from a YouTube video (title, description, duration, thumbnail url, thumbnail width, thumbnail height, etc..) using the video id and YouTube API.
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<?php //The Youtube's API url //Change below the video id. $video_id = '66Wi3isw3NY'; //Using cURL php extension to make the request to youtube API //$feed holds a rss feed xml returned by youtube API //Using SimpleXML to parse youtube's feed $entry = $xml->entry[0]; //If no entry whas found, then youtube didn't find any video with specified id if(!$entry) exit('Error: no video with id "' . $video_id . '" whas found. Please specify the id of a existing video.'); $media = $entry->children('media', true); $group = $media->group; $title = $group->title;//$title: The video title $desc = $group->description;//$desc: The video description $vid_keywords = $group->keywords;//$vid_keywords: The video keywords $thumb = $group->thumbnail[0];//There are 4 thumbnails, the first one (index 0) is the largest. //$thumb_url: the url of the thumbnail. $thumb_width: thumbnail width in pixels. //$thumb_height: thumbnail height in pixels. $thumb_time: thumbnail time in the video $content_attributes = $group->content->attributes(); //$vid_duration: the duration of the video in seconds. Ex.: 192. $vid_duration = $content_attributes['duration']; //$duration_formatted: the duration of the video formatted in "mm:ss". Ex.:01:54 //echoing the variables for testing purposes: echo 'title: ' . $title . '<br />'; echo 'desc: ' . $desc . '<br />'; echo 'video keywords: ' . $vid_keywords . '<br />'; echo 'thumbnail url: ' . $thumb_url . '<br />'; echo 'thumbnail width: ' . $thumb_width . '<br />'; echo 'thumbnail height: ' . $thumb_height . '<br />'; echo 'thumbnail time: ' . $thumb_time . '<br />'; echo 'video duration: ' . $vid_duration . '<br />'; echo 'video duration formatted: ' . $duration_formatted; ?>