Add \'label for\' matching input dynamically

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Dynamically add HTML tag to input description, matching the input by adding an ID value to the input.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. $('ul li').each(function(index) {
  2. var spanContent = $(this).children('span').html(),
  3. spanContent = spanContent.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-');
  4. $(this).children('input').attr('id', 'input-'+spanContent);
  5. $(this).children('span').wrapInner('<label for="input-'+spanContent+'"/>');
  6. });
  8. <ul>
  9. <li><input type="checkbox" name="input-name-1" value="" /><span>Description 1</span></li>
  10. <li><input type="checkbox" name="input-name-2" value="" /><span>Description 2</span></li>
  11. <li><input type="checkbox" name="input-name-3" value="" /><span>Description 3</span></li>
  12. </ul>

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