/ Published in: jQuery

This is inspired by jQuery autotabs plugin by Keywan Ghadami. I've made a few changes to allow for more versatility and to add button navigation.
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/*! * forked from: * Copyright (c) 2010 Keywan Ghadami (ibson.com) * jQuery autotabs Plugin * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function($j){ $j.fn.fieldset_tabs = function(options){ return this.each(function() { var tabs = $j(this); var $jul = $j('<ul></ul>'); tabs.prepend($jul); tabs.find('fieldset').each(function(i){ var title = $j(this).find('legend').text(); $j(this).find('legend').remove(); var id = 'tab_' + i; $j(this).attr('id', id); $jul.append('<li><a href="#'+ id + '">'+title +'</a></li>'); }); var $jtabs = tabs.tabs(); $j('.ui-tabs-panel').each(function(h){ var tsize = $j('.ui-tabs-panel').size() - 1; var height = $j(this).height(); if (h != 0){ prev = h -1; $j(this).append("<button type='button' style='float:left;clear:both;margin-top:"+height+"px;' class='prev-tab mover' data-pos='"+ prev + "'><span class='icon leftarrow'></span>Prev</button>") } if (h != tsize){ next = h + 1; $j(this).append("<button type='button' style='float:right;margin-top:"+height+"px;' class='next-tab mover' data-pos='"+ next + "'>Next <span class='icon rightarrow'></span></button>") } }); $j('.next-tab, .prev-tab').live('click', function(){ $jtabs.tabs('select', $j(this).data('pos')); return false; }); return tabs.tabs(); }); } })(jQuery);