Opening / closing jstree node

/ Published in: jQuery
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Clicking on node makes it toggle between opened and closed. Nodes needs to have id attribute for this to work.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. .bind("select_node.jstree", function (event, data) {
  2. var id = data.rslt.obj.attr("id");
  3. if (id != undefined) {
  4. if ($("li[id=" + id + "]").hasClass("jstree-open"))
  5. $("#treeViewContainer").jstree("close_node", "#" + id);
  6. else
  7. $("#treeViewContainer").jstree("open_node", "#" + id);
  8. }
  9. }
  11. <div id="treeViewContainer">
  12. <ul>
  14. </ul>
  15. </div>

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