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Given an an associative list ((k1 . v1) (k2 . v2) ... (kn . vn)), with possibly equal values for ki, it returns another alist where all cells have distinct keys and where values originally associated to the same key have been grouped as a list in the new cons cell. Ouch! This is much harder to explain than to code. Just check the commented example in the code.
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;; it requires srfi-1 (lists), for fold-right. (define (alist-group-keys alist) (let ((create-cons-cell-or-append-to-existing (lambda (current acum) (let* ((key (car current)) (value (cdr current)) (cell (assoc key acum))) (if cell ; Key already seen, append current value to the list (begin (set-cdr! cell (cons value (cdr cell))) acum) ;else (cons (list key value) acum)))))) (fold-right create-cons-cell-or-append-to-existing '() alist))) ;; Example. Given an alist of authors and books: ; ; (alist-group-keys '(("Roth, Henry" . "Call It Sleep") ; ("Roth, Henry" . "Mercy of a Rude Stream") ; ("Houllebecq, Michel" . "Extension du domaine de la lutte") ; ("Houllebecq, Michel" . "Plateforme"))) ; ;; It would return the books grouped by author: ; ;(("Roth, Henry" "Call It Sleep" "Mercy of a Rude Stream") ; ("Houllebecq, Michel" "Extension du domaine de la lutte" "Plateforme")) ;