/ Published in: Emacs Lisp

By default, Emacs displays on the titlebar (I mean GUI Emacs) emacs@domain. There is a way to modify this, using (setq frame-title-format "my title").
How to display emacs@domain: ~/dir/file (or buffer name in case of e.i. *scratch*)? Add it to your .emacs:
How to display emacs@domain: ~/dir/file (or buffer name in case of e.i. *scratch*)? Add it to your .emacs:
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(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook (lambda () (setq frame-title-format (concat invocation-name "@" system-name ": " (replace-regexp-in-string (concat "/home/" user-login-name) "~" (or buffer-file-name "%b"))))))
URL: http://coldpeer.jogger.pl/2007/12/01/emacs-konfiguracja-belki-z-tytulem/