/ Published in: PHP

Save this as plugin.nextlink.php to your ndxz-studio/site/plugin folder. Call the Plugin where you need it: <plug:nextlink />
Original by "gd" http://www.indexhibit.org/forum/thread/7879/
Original by "gd" http://www.indexhibit.org/forum/thread/7879/
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
function nextlink(){ $OBJ = get_instance(); global $rs; $pages = $OBJ->db->fetchArray("SELECT id, url FROM ".PX."objects, ".PX."sections WHERE status = '1' AND hidden != '1' AND section_id = secid ORDER BY sec_ord ASC, ord ASC"); if (!$pages) return 'Error with pages query'; foreach ($pages as $reord){ 'id' => $reord['id'], 'url' => $reord['url']); } $active = false; foreach($order as $key => $out) { foreach($out as $page){ if ($active==true){ $nextlink=$page['url']; $active = false;} $active = ($rs['id'] == $page['id']) ? true : false; } $next .= "<a href='".BASEURL.ndxz_rewriter($nextlink)."'>NEXT</a>"; } return $next; }
URL: http://gatonet.de