/ Published in: ActionScript 3
Sorts an array of objects using the native sortOn method
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var records:Array = new Array(); records.push({name:"john", city:"omaha", zip:68144}); records.push({name:"john", city:"kansas city", zip:72345}); records.push({name:"bob", city:"omaha", zip:94010}); for(var i:uint = 0; i < records.length; i++) { trace(records[i].name + ", " + records[i].city); } // Results: // john, omaha // john, kansas city // bob, omaha trace("records.sortOn('name', 'city');"); records.sortOn(["name", "city"]); for(var i:uint = 0; i < records.length; i++) { trace(records[i].name + ", " + records[i].city); } // Results: // bob, omaha // john, kansas city // john, omaha trace("records.sortOn('city', 'name');"); records.sortOn(["city", "name"]); for(var i:uint = 0; i < records.length; i++) { trace(records[i].name + ", " + records[i].city); } // Results: // john, kansas city // bob, omaha // john, omaha
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