CI calendar class init

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Initializing the update calendar class

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. $this->load->library('My_Calendar', $prefs, 'cal');
  3. $data = array(
  4. 3 => array(
  5. array('link_text' => 'Yahoo', 'link' => '')
  6. ),
  7. 7 => array(
  8. array('link_text' => 'Google', 'link' => '')
  9. )
  10. );
  12. $this->data['cal'] = $this->cal->generate('','',$data);
  13. $this->load->view('head', $this->data);
  14. $this->load->view('body_schedule', $this->data);
  15. $this->load->view('foot');

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