/ Published in: JavaScript

The Flickr URL creates a JSON feed with geo-based photos. Using Node.js, CouchDB, and cradle (npm install cradle), you can ingest the JSON data into CouchDB and perform complicated spatial indexing queries. The command for the import is bash$ node name_of_this_javascript.js
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var cradle = require("cradle"), sys = require("sys"), fs = require("fs"); var connection = new(cradle.Connection)("localhost", 5984); var db = connection.database('geoexample'); data = fs.readFileSync("./json/data_flickr.json", "utf-8"); flickr = JSON.parse(data); for(p in flickr.photos.photo){ photo = flickr.photos.photo[p]; photo.geometry = {"type":"Point", "coordinates": [ photo.longitude, photo.latitude ] }; // Save the url to the flickr image. // http://farm{farm-id}.static.flickr.com/{server-id}/{id}_{secret}_[mstzb].jpg photo.image_url_small = "http://farm"+photo.farm+".static.flickr.com/"+photo.server+"/"+photo.id+"_"+photo.secret+"_s.jpg"; db.save(photo.id, photo, function(er, ok) { if (er) {sys.puts("error: "+er); return;} }); }