/ Published in: PHP

I needed away to redirect to a custom BP component upon login for users and this works great. Add this to your functions file. If you are the admin, it will redirect you to the wp-admin.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<?php /*Add a filter to filter the redirect url for login*/ add_filter("login_redirect","bpdev_redirect_to_profile",100,3); function bpdev_redirect_to_profile($redirect_to_calculated,$redirect_url_specified,$user) { /*if no redirect was specified,let us think ,user wants to be in wp-dashboard*/ $redirect_to_calculated=admin_url(); /*if the user is not site admin,redirect to his/her profile*/ if(!is_site_admin($user->user_login)) return bp_core_get_user_domain($user->ID).mypics; else return $redirect_to_calculated; /*if site admin or not logged in,do not do anything much*/ } ?>
URL: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/29545/login-redirect-to-certain-bp-profile-page