/ Published in: CSS
1. Adding shadow to text – text-shadow
Helps make your text stand out from the rest.
2. border image rounding
Helps make your text stand out from the rest.
2. border image rounding
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
.text-shadow { text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #666; } #border-image-style { border-width:15px; /* 3 types of border exist repeated, rounded or stretched (repeat / round / stretch) */ -moz-border-image:url(border.png) 30 30 stretch ; -webkit-border-image:url(border.png) 30 30 stretch; }
URL: http://speckyboy.com/2011/04/15/25-css-snippets-for-some-of-the-most-common-and-frustrating-tasks/