/ Published in: jQuery

This little jQuery snippet will let you quickly add a limit counter to input fields to display available remaining characters. A nice feature to include for improved user experience.
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// DISCLAIMER: // This is not my code. (got it from : http://www.scriptiny.com/2012/09/jquery-input-textarea-limiter/) // I just wanted to have a central repo (function($) { $.fn.extend( { limiter: function(limit, elem) { $(this).on("keyup focus", function() { setCount(this, elem); }); function setCount(src, elem) { var chars = src.value.length; if (chars > limit) { src.value = src.value.substr(0, limit); chars = limit; } elem.html( limit - chars ); } setCount($(this)[0], elem); } }); })(jQuery); //To setup the limiter, simply include a call similar to the one below: var elem = $("#chars"); $("#text").limiter(100, elem);
URL: http://www.scriptiny.com/2012/09/jquery-input-textarea-limiter/