/ Published in: SASS

I recently wanted to learn Sass and after reading the documentation I looked around for a more concise set of docs to reference while writing but couldn't find anything. So I made my own based off of what was in the documentation of Sass's website.
Not everything is there at the moment buts its a nice reference for someone new to Sass and still feeling their way around.
Not everything is there at the moment buts its a nice reference for someone new to Sass and still feeling their way around.
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###################################################### ## Sass and SCSS Summarized Documentation Reference ## ###################################################### Contents: Command Line Tools________________________Line 29 Operators_________________________________Line 39 Data Types________________________________Line 53 Interpolation_____________________________Line 62 Comments__________________________________Line 71 Flags_____________________________________Line 76 @RULES @import______________________________Line 84 @extend______________________________Line 105 @debug_______________________________Line 129 @warn________________________________Line 137 @if__________________________________Line 144 @else________________________________Line 152 @for_________________________________Line 167 @each________________________________Line 176 @while_______________________________Line 185 @mixin_______________________________Line 193 @inlcude_____________________________Line 221 @function____________________________Line 226 ###################################################### # Summary based on Official Sass/SCSS Documentation # ###################################################### // COMMAND LINE TOOLS // // NOTE: On .scss and .sass files, order can be reversed for compiling, converting and monitoring gem install sass // Install Sass sass input.scss output.css // Run Sass Compiler On File sass-convert style.scss style.sass // Convert SCSS File sass --watch input.scss:output.css // Monitor/Update File sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets // Monitor/Update Directory sass --help // Help Docs // OPERATORS // == // Equal to != // Not equal to + // Addition / String concatenation - // Subtraction * // Multiplication / // Division - SEE NOTE BELOW OPERATORS % // Modulo - Returns remainder after division of 2 numbers: 3 % 2 = 1 < // Less than <= // Less than or equal to > // Great than >= // Greater than or equal to // DATA TYPES // Numbers // Any positive or negative integer String // With or without quotes Color // CSS color name, hex or rgba Booleans // true/false/and/or/not Null // null or empty value List // Values seperated by , or space // INTERPOLATION // // Syntax: #{} - Used to reference variables within selectors and property names //example: $name: foo; $attr: border; p.#{$name} { #{attr}-color: blue; } // COMMENTS // // Single line, does not compile to css /* */ Multiple line, compiles to css // !FLAGS // !default // Set variable's value as default if not previously defined !optional // Allow @extend to be empty without outputting error !important // Style always applied regardless of location within document // @ RULES // // @IMPORT // @import //Merge and compile .scss or .sass into current file //example: @import “header.scssâ€; OR “header.sass†@import (multi) // @import can be used once with multiple files //example: @import “nav.scss, header.scss, footer.scssâ€; @import (partial) // Sass can be prevented from compiling a .scss or .sass file. 1. Append underscore to beginning of .scss or .sass filename 2. Reference filename without underscore in @import statement @import (override conditions) // @import can be overrided by the CSS @import rule .css filename Begins with http:// If filename is url() If import contains media queries // @EXTEND // @extend // Tell one selector to inherit the styles of another selector. //Multiple @extend calls can be made within a statement. //example: .error { border: 1px #f00; } .seriousError { @extend .error; } @extend (complex selector) // @extend can be used with complex selectors //example: .hoverlink { @extend a:hover; } @extend (%selector) // Selectors with the placeholder prefix (%) are not rendered until called upon by @extend //example: %selector { color: blue; } .newSelector { @extend %selector; } // @DEBUG // @debug // Prints the value of the SassScript expression //example: @debug 5px + 3px; //output: Line1 DEBUG: 8px; // @WARN // @warn // Prints the value of expression to error output stream. //example: @warn “This is a console error message!†// ADVANCED CONTROL DIRECTIVES // @if // The @if directive takes a SassScript expression and uses the styles nested beneath it if the expression returns anything other than false or null example: p { @if 1 + 1 == 2 { color: blue;} @if 5 < 3 { color: red;} @if null { color: yellow;} } @else / @else if // @else if is used within an @if statement to call another @if function // @else is used at the end of an @if statement to end the evaluation //example: $type: monster; p { @if $type == ocean { color: blue; } @else if $type == matador { color: red; } @else $type == monster { color: green; } } @for (form 1) // Iterate through range including <end> value //example: @for $var from <start> through <end> @for (form 2) // Iterate through range up to <end> value //example: @for $var from <start> to <end> @each // The each rule sets each $var to each item in the list, then outputs the styles it contains using that value of $var. //example: @each $color in blue, red, yellow { .#{$color}-icon { background-image: url('/images#{$color}.png'); } } @while // Takes a SassScript expression and repeatedly outputs styles until expression evaluates to false //example: $i: 6; @while $i > 0 { .item-#{$i} { width: 2em * $i; } $i: $i – 2; } // @MIXINS // @mixin // Allows the defining of styles that can be reused throughout the stylesheet in addition to taking arguments //example: @mixin large-text { font: { family: arial; size: 20px; weight: bold; } color: #ff0000; } @mixin (arguments) // User specified arguments can be passed to a mixin. Mixin can also accept a variable number of arguments //example: @mixin sexy-border($color, $width) { border: { color: $color; width: $width; } @mixin (default arguments) // Arguments can be assigned defaults when no values are passed //example: @mixin sexy-border($color: blue, $width: 1px) { border: { color: $color; width: $width; } @include // Use to include @mixin with a document //example: .page-title { @include large-text; } @function / @return // Custom functions can be created and used throughout the document // @return outputs the current value of the function //example: $grid-width: 40px; $gutter-width: 10px; @function grid-width($n) { @return $n * $grid-width + ($n – 1) * $gutter-width; } #sidebar { width: grid-width(5); }
URL: http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html