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<?php isGyu(); MethodStandard(); Right('*'); $informazioni = CallFunction('mediateca', 'get', $_GET["id"]); $prodotto = $informazioni->getAttr('prodotto'); // L'utente, ha acquistato questo prodotto? $carrelliValidi = CallFunction('acquisti', 'list'); foreach($carrelliValidi as $v) if($v->getAttr('stato') >= 4) $validCart[] = "carrelloId = '" . FetchObject(Database()->query("SELECT * FROM `carrelli` WHERE acquistoId = '".$v->getAttr('id')."' LIMIT 1"), 0)->getAttr('id')."'"; $q = "SELECT * FROM `carrelliItem` WHERE prodottoId = '".$informazioni->getAttr('prodotto')."' AND (" . implode(' OR ', $validCart) . ") LIMIT 1"; $informazioni_2 = FetchObject(Database()->query($q), 0); $filename = upload . $informazioni->getAttr('contenuto'); // browser must download file from server instead of cache // force download dialog // use the Content-Disposition header to supply a recommended filename and // force the browser to display the save dialog. header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$informazioni->getAttr('nome') . "." . $ext .";"); } ?>