Base64 Encode and Decode String in PHP

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Encodes the given data with MIME base64. Base64-encoded data takes about 33% more space than the original data.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <?php
  2. function base64url_encode
  3. ($text){
  4. $base64 = base64_encode
  5. ($text);
  6. $base64url = strtr($base64, '+/=', '-_,');
  7. return $base64url;
  8. }
  10. function base64url_decode
  11. ($text){
  12. $base64url = strtr($text, '-_,', '+/=');
  13. $base64 = base64_decode
  14. ($base64url);
  15. return $base64;
  16. }
  17. ?>


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