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/** * Get the human-readable size for an amount of bytes * @param int $size : the number of bytes to be converted * @param int $precision : number of decimal places to round to; * optional - defaults to 2 * @param bool $long_name : whether or not the returned size tag should * be unabbreviated (ie "Gigabytes" or "GB"); * optional - defaults to true * @param bool $real_size : whether or not to use the real (base 1024) * or commercial (base 1000) size; * optional - defaults to true * @return string : the converted size */ function get_size($size,$precision=2,$long_name=true,$real_size=true) { $base=$real_size?1024:1000; $pos=0; while ($size>$base) { $size/=$base; $pos++; } $prefix=get_size_prefix($pos); $size_name=$long_name?$prefix."bytes":$prefix[0].'B'; } /** * @param int $pos : the distence along the metric scale relitive to 0 * @return string : the prefix */ function get_size_prefix($pos) { switch ($pos) { case 00: return ""; case 01: return "kilo"; case 02: return "mega"; case 03: return "giga"; case 04: return "tera"; case 05: return "peta"; case 06: return "exa"; case 07: return "zetta"; case 08: return "yotta"; case 09: return "xenna"; case 10: return "w-"; case 11: return "vendeka"; case 12: return "u-"; default: return "?-"; } }
URL: http://www.roscripts.com/snippets/show/188