Fill Character List From ASCII Table And Sort

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FIll a List with ASCII (0-127) characters with a given number of characters.

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  1. private List<Character> initCharacterList(int numberOfCharacters, int asciiStart, int asciiEnd) {
  2. // first ensure ascii table values
  3. assertTrue("asciiStart is invalid", asciiStart >= 0 && asciiStart < asciiEnd);
  4. assertTrue("asciiEnd is invalid", asciiEnd <= 127 && asciiEnd > asciiStart);
  6. List<Character> list = new ArrayList<>();
  8. int asciiPos = asciiStart;
  10. for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCharacters; i++) {
  11. Character c = new Character((char)asciiPos);
  12. list.add(c);
  13. asciiPos++;
  14. if (asciiPos > asciiEnd) {
  15. asciiPos = asciiStart;
  16. }
  17. }
  19. Collections.sort(list);
  21. return list;
  22. }

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