Move the posts count inside the link of the Archive and Category widgets of WordPress

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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <?php /* This code filters the Categories archive widget to include the post count inside the link */
  2. add_filter('wp_list_categories', 'cat_count_span');
  3. function cat_count_span($links) {
  4. $links = str_replace('</a> (', ' (', $links);
  5. $links = str_replace(')', ')</a>', $links);
  6. return $links;
  7. }
  8. /* This code filters the Archive widget to include the post count inside the link */
  9. add_filter('get_archives_link', 'archive_count_span');
  10. function archive_count_span($links) {
  11. $links = str_replace('</a>&nbsp;(', ' (', $links);
  12. $links = str_replace(')', ')</a>', $links);
  13. return $links;
  14. }?>


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