/ Published in: PHP

Examine a date and return false if it's in the past, or true for the future.
Slightly more complicated than it needs to be, however there's an easy tutorial with full explanation if you follow the attached link.
Slightly more complicated than it needs to be, however there's an easy tutorial with full explanation if you follow the attached link.
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function checkDateAndTime($day,$month,$year,$hour,$minute) { $dateForConverting = $day."-".$month."-".$year."@".$hour.":".$minute; $formattedDate = date_create_from_format("j-n-Y@G:i", $dateForConverting); $returnBool = true; $diffInSecs = $newDateInSecs - $nowInSecs; if($diffInSecs < 0) { $returnBool = false; } return $returnBool; }
URL: http://gromitski.com/blog/checking-if-a-date-is-in-the-past-or-the-future-php/