WordPress Doodle Plugin

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FME has designed efficient Canvas Drawing Plugin for WordPress that enables users to draw canvas online on separate paint book by utilizing basic drawing tools like brush, pencil, etc. This WordPress Plugin will create two additional pages on your website, Canvas Drawing page and the other will be Gallery page that support users.

Here are some key features:

1: Allows users to download and print out images
2: Forward pictures to anyone via email.
3: Display image slider on top of gallery page.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. Improve your site authority by using Doodle Drawing WordPress Plugin that enables your customers to draw doodle online by using basic drawing tools. This WordPress Plguin shows an image slider on top of gallery page that helps users in image selection to draw doodle online.

URL: http://www.fmeaddons.com/wordpress/canvas-plugin.html

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