/ Published in: PHP

When you run this script you will see the result like this
Image width 379
Image height 344
Image type 2
Image attribute width="379" height="344"
You will get the width, height, type of an image and also attribute of an image, I use this function in my image upload form.
Image width 379
Image height 344
Image type 2
Image attribute width="379" height="344"
You will get the width, height, type of an image and also attribute of an image, I use this function in my image upload form.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<?php echo "Image width " .$width; echo "<BR>"; echo "Image height " .$height; echo "<BR>"; echo "Image type " .$type; echo "<BR>"; echo "Attribute " .$attr; ?>
URL: http://www.phpeasystep.com/workshopview.php?id=25