/ Published in: Fortran

This is an example of declaring and iterating over 1-dimension arrays in FORTRAN.
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program arrays IMPLICIT NONE !Constant to be used in the declaration of the array INTEGER, PARAMETER :: SIZE = 3; INTEGER array (SIZE); INTEGER i; LOGICAL found; INTEGER valueToSearch; INTEGER sum; INTEGER minValue, maxValue; !Other way of declaring an array of dimension 1 and size SIZE REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE) :: A, B !Load and init the values of the array, describing which elements are inside. A = (/ 8, 9, 10 /); !Load and init the values of the array through a for each sentence B = (/ (i, i = 1, SIZE) /) print *,A print *,B !Only if both have the same dimension A = B print *,A !Load and init(manually). Two examples. DO i = 1, SIZE array(i)=i; END DO DO i = 1, SIZE read *, array(i) END DO !Show DO i = 1, SIZE print *,array(i) END DO !Search for a value (first apparition) i = 1; found = .FALSE.; valueToSearch = 3; do while (i<=SIZE .AND. .not. found) if (array(i)== valueToSearch) then print *,"(First) Found value at position: ", i found = .TRUE. end if i = i +1; end do !Search for a value (ALL apparitions) i = 1; do while (i<=SIZE) if (array(i)== valueToSearch) then print *," (All) Found value at position: ", i end if i = i +1; end do !Search for a value (last apparition) i = SIZE; found = .FALSE.; valueToSearch = 3; do while (i>=1 .AND. .not. found) if (array(i)== valueToSearch) then print *,"(Last) Found value at position: ", i found = .TRUE. end if i = i -1; end do !Adding up values sum = 0; DO i = 1, SIZE sum=sum + array(i); END DO print *,"The sum of values is ", sum !Adding up values with a filter sum = 0; DO i = 1, SIZE if (array(i)>3) then print *,"Found value at position: ", i sum=sum + array(i); end if END DO !Find the max value and use of the intrinsic function MAXVAL maxValue = array(1) DO i = 2, SIZE if (array(i)>maxValue) then maxValue = array(i); end if END DO print *,"The max value is ", maxValue, MAXVAL(array) !Find the min value and use of the intrinsic function MINVAL minValue = array(1) DO i = 2, SIZE if (array(i)<minValue) then minValue = array(i); end if END DO print *,"The min value is ", minValue, minval(array) read *, end program arrays