/ Published in: JavaScript

When you're viewing an older version of a snippet, the Plain Text and Highlighted Text links point back to the latest version. This greasemonkey script fixes those links to point to the version you're currently viewing.
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// ==UserScript== // @name Fix Snippet's Plain/Highlighted Text link // @author Andy Harrison // @namespace http://dragonzreef.com/greasemonkey/snipplr_plainhighlighted.user.js // @description When viewing a snippet, fixes the Plain/Highligted Text link to go to the version you're looking at instead of the latest version. // @include http://snipplr.com/view* // ==/UserScript== window.addEventListener("load", function() { var viewbar = document.getElementById("viewsource"); if(!viewbar) return; var a = viewbar.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++) { if(a[i].innerHTML == "Plain Text") { a[i].href += document.location.href.replace(/^http:\/\/snipplr.com\/view\/\d+(\.\d+).*$|.*/,"$1"); return; } else if(a[i].innerHTML == "Highlighted Text") { var vers = document.location.href.replace(/^http:\/\/snipplr.com\/view.php\?([^#]*&)*?id=\d+(\.\d+).*$|.*/,"$2"); a[i].href = a[i].href.replace(/^(http:\/\/snipplr.com\/view\/\d+)(.*)$/, "$1"+vers+"$2"); return; } } }, false);