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This is a userstyle (for the Stylish Firefox extension) that sets the default font on Talking Points Memo to Helvetica rather than Arial.
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@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document domain("talkingpointsmemo.com") { h1, h3, #header ul.mainnav a, #header .utilities a, #header .utilities a.tips, #footer, .news-feature h2, ul.tophead li, h3.ads-header, .advertisement, .linklist a, .rightcol_feed a, div.blog h3, div.blog .utilities li, div.blog .utilities a, div.blog .timestamp, #staff, #story .caption, #story h2, #story .about, ul#latestheadlines li, #share, #share ul li a, .lower-election h2, .lower-election .byline, .lower-election .footer, .event #date-container, .event #desc-container .body, div.poll-tracker li, div.poll-tracker a.more-polls, .rightcol_feed h6, .lower-election .calendar-label, #story ul.election-calendar, ul.election-calendar div, #story ul.election-calendar div, #links, #masthead, #muck-blogging, #tagcloud, .muck-entry-nav, #comments .comment-footer, #profile-bar, #profile-bar #profile-signin label, .profile-input, .profile-input label, .profile-input input.text, #entry_text, .profile-input .text input, .profile-main h4, .profile-main h5, .profile-main li, .aux li, .profile-main .posted, .profile-view ul p { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif !important; } }
URL: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/