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/* **************************************** **********KRIZCI IN KROZCI************** ******Tic Tac Toe-English version******* **********(C) Matic Miklavcic*********** *******[email protected]********* *+*+*+*+*You are free to mod it*+*+*+*+* **************************************** Programmed in DevC++, 10. OCT 2009 ***** */ #include <cstdlib>//libraries #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <windows.h>//------- using namespace std; char A,B,C; char D,E,F; char G,H,I; bool Player1win,Player2win; string ime1,ime2; //Maximise the console, if player chooses so BOOL NT_SetConsoleDisplayMode(HANDLE hOutputHandle, DWORD dwNewMode) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SCDMProc_t) (HANDLE, DWORD, LPDWORD); SCDMProc_t SetConsoleDisplayMode; HMODULE hKernel32; BOOL bFreeLib = FALSE, ret; const char KERNEL32_NAME[] = "kernel32.dll"; hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleA(KERNEL32_NAME); if (hKernel32 == NULL) { hKernel32 = LoadLibraryA(KERNEL32_NAME); if (hKernel32 == NULL) return FALSE; bFreeLib = true; } SetConsoleDisplayMode = (SCDMProc_t)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "SetConsoleDisplayMode"); if (SetConsoleDisplayMode == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); ret = FALSE; } else { DWORD dummy; ret = SetConsoleDisplayMode(hOutputHandle, dwNewMode, &dummy); } if (bFreeLib) FreeLibrary(hKernel32); return ret; } void KonecIgre()//play the sad melody :(( { Beep(784,500); Beep(738,500); Beep(684,500); Beep(644,1000); } void Pesmica()//play the victorious melody :)) { Beep(523,200);//use Beep(frequency,time); to play a sound in internal speaker Sleep(1);//stop the program for (time in ms) Beep(523,200); Sleep(1); Beep(523,200); Sleep(1); Beep(659,700); Beep(784,500); Beep(523,200); Sleep(1); Beep(523,200); Sleep(1); Beep(523,200); Sleep(1); Beep(659,700); Beep(784,500); Sleep(800); Beep(784,400); Beep(884,200); Beep(784,200); Beep(687,200); Beep(659,200); Beep(579,200); Beep(519,400); } //write out help int Help() { system("CLS"); cout<<"Help\n-----\nEach player must enter letters from A-G, until someone is" + "victorious or all the fields are filled.\n-------\nBy Mickey\n(this screen" + "vanishes in 7 secs)"; } //write out Menu int Menu() { zacetek: int izbira; cout<<"Hello!\n-----\n1.Start the game\n2.Help\n3.Exit\n\n>> "; cin>>izbira; switch(izbira) { case 1: goto point; break; case 2: Help(); Sleep(7000); system("CLS"); goto zacetek; break; case 3: exit(1); break; point: system("CLS"); } } //display the table void Izrisi() { system("CLS"); A=toupper(A); B=toupper(B); C=toupper(C); D=toupper(D); E=toupper(E); F=toupper(F); G=toupper(G); H=toupper(H); I=toupper(I); cout<<"|---|---|---|"<<endl <<"| "<<A<<" | "<<B<<" | "<<C<<" |"<<endl <<"|---|---|---|"<<endl <<"| "<<D<<" | "<<E<<" | "<<F<<" |"<<endl <<"|---|---|---|"<<endl <<"| "<<G<<" | "<<H<<" | "<<I<<" |"<<endl <<"|---|---|---|"<<endl<<endl; } //display the stars when victorious void Zvezdice() { cout<<"\n* * * * * *" <<" * * * * * *" <<" * * * * * *" <<" * * * * * * * * * *" <<"* * * ** * * *\n\n"; } //write out the winner void Zmaga(int pNumb=0) { switch(pNumb) { case 1://if player 1 won cout<<ime1<<" WINS!!!!!! Congrats!\n"; Zvezdice(); Pesmica(); break; case 2://if player 2 won cout<<ime2<<" WINS!!!!!! Congrats!\n"; Zvezdice(); Pesmica(); break; } } //check for winner int PreveriZmag() { //check all X //Horizontal if(A=='X'&&B=='X'&&C=='X') { Player1win=true; } if(D=='X'&&E=='X'&&F=='X') { Player1win=true; } if(G=='X'&&H=='X'&&I=='X') { Player1win=true; } //Vertical if(A=='X'&&D=='X'&&G=='X') { Player1win=true; } if(B=='X'&&E=='X'&&H=='X') { Player1win=true; } if(C=='X'&&F=='X'&&I=='X') { Player1win=true; } //X-wise if(A=='X'&&E=='X'&&I=='X') { Player1win=true; } if(G=='X'&&E=='X'&&C=='X') { Player1win=true; } /* start of O-s check it all over again _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-*/ //Horisontal if(A=='O'&&B=='O'&&C=='O') { Player2win=true; } if(D=='O'&&E=='O'&&F=='O') { Player2win=true; } if(G=='O'&&H=='O'&&I=='O') { Player2win=true; } //Vertical if(A=='O'&&D=='O'&&G=='O') { Player2win=true; } if(B=='O'&&E=='O'&&H=='O') { Player2win=true; } if(C=='O'&&F=='O'&&I=='O') { Player2win=true; } //X-wise if(A=='O'&&E=='O'&&I=='O') { Player2win=true; } if(G=='O'&&E=='O'&&C=='O') { Player2win=true; } /*check both bool-s ->TRUE, if yes, continue, if no, cout the winner*/ if (Player1win==true) {//player 1 wins system("CLS"); Zmaga(1); return 1; } else {//if player 1 didnt won, check the player 2 if (Player2win==true)//if not, continue the game { system("CLS"); Zmaga(2); return 1; } } } //wrong X or O location, try again void Napaka() { system("CLS"); cout<<"Oops, there's allready an X or O.\nTry again!"; Sleep(2000); system("CLS"); Izrisi(); } //player1 - play! void Igralec1() {//main function of player 1!!!! char choice; start: cout<<ime1<<" (X): "; cin>>choice; choice=toupper(choice); switch(choice) { case 'A': if(A!='O')A='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'B': if(B!='O')B='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'C': if(C!='O')C='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'D': if(D!='O')D='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'E': if(E!='O')E='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'F': if(F!='O')F='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'G': if(G!='O')G='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'H': if(H!='O')H='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'I': if(I!='O')I='X'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; default: system("CLS"); cout<<"Oops, wrong letter. Try again.\n"; Sleep(2000); Izrisi(); goto start; break; } Izrisi(); } //player 2- play! void Igralec2() {//main function of player 2! char choice; start: cout<<ime2<<" (O): "; cin>>choice; choice=toupper(choice); switch(choice) { case 'A': if(A!='X')A='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'B': if(B!='X')B='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'C': if(C!='X')C='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'D': if(D!='X')D='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'E': if(E!='X')E='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'F': if(F!='X')F='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'G': if(G!='X')G='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'H': if(H!='X')H='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; case 'I': if(I!='X')I='O'; else { Napaka(); goto start; } break; default://if player 1 enters the wrong letter,warn him and try again system("CLS"); cout<<"Oops, wrong letter. Try again!\n"; Sleep(2000); Izrisi(); goto start; break; } Izrisi(); } //Main function- combines all subfunctions! int main() { int celZas; cout<<"Start in full screen?\n1.Yes\n2.No\n>>"; cin>>celZas; if(celZas==1) {//Full screen-yes NT_SetConsoleDisplayMode( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 1 ); } system("CLS"); cout<<"Tic Tac Toe\n"; Menu(); cout<<"Name of player 1: "; cin>>ime1; cout<<"Name of player 2: "; cin>>ime2; int retPreveri; Player1win=false; Player2win=false; char choice; A='A';//set all the variables to their default value B='B'; C='C'; D='D'; E='E'; F='F'; G='G'; H='H'; I='I'; Izrisi(); Igralec1();//Game starts!!!! retPreveri=PreveriZmag(); if(retPreveri==1)goto end; Igralec2(); retPreveri=PreveriZmag(); if(retPreveri==1)goto end; Igralec1(); retPreveri=PreveriZmag(); if(retPreveri==1)goto end; Igralec2(); retPreveri=PreveriZmag(); if(retPreveri==1)goto end; Igralec1(); retPreveri=PreveriZmag(); if(retPreveri==1)goto end; Igralec2(); retPreveri=PreveriZmag(); if(retPreveri==1)goto end; Igralec1(); retPreveri=PreveriZmag(); if(retPreveri==1)goto end; Igralec2(); retPreveri=PreveriZmag();//------ if(retPreveri==1)goto end; system("CLS"); cout<<ime1<<", "<<ime2<<", game is over!!! No-one won! Better luck next time."<<endl<<endl;//if noone won KonecIgre();//play the sad song, as no-one won :(( end://end system("PAUSE"); } /* Here are the translations of some functions, as they were written in slovenian language (don't feel like retyping the whole game ;) ime->name KonecIgre->end of the game Igralec(1,2)->player PreveriZmag->check for winner Izrisi->draw Zvezdice->stars Napaka->Error Zmaga->victory ------------- Have fun with the game, your Mickey ("/(^_^) */
URL: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/tictactoe.aspx