ASP function to encrypt ID (number only)

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These are two function used to encrypt and decrypt the ID you don't want to show (for example the id of the user to be saved in the cookies...)

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  1. Function Encrypt(theNumber)
  2. Dim n, szEnc, t, HiN, LoN, i
  3. n = CDbl((theNumber + 1570) ^ 2 - 7 * (theNumber + 1570) - 450)
  4. If n < 0 Then szEnc = "R" Else szEnc = "J"
  5. n = CStr(abs(n))
  6. For i = 1 To Len(n) step 2
  7. t = Mid(n, i, 2)
  8. If Len(t) = 1 Then
  9. szEnc = szEnc & t
  10. Exit For
  11. End If
  12. HiN = (CInt(t) And 240) / 16
  13. LoN = CInt(t) And 15
  14. szEnc = szEnc & Chr(Asc("M") + HiN) & Chr(Asc("C") + LoN)
  15. Next
  16. Encrypt = szEnc
  17. End Function
  19. Function Decrypt(theNumber)
  20. On Error Resume Next
  21. Dim e, n, sign, t, HiN, LoN, NewN, i
  22. e = theNumber
  23. If Left(e, 1) = "R" Then sign = -1 Else sign = 1
  24. e = Mid(e, 2)
  25. NewN = ""
  26. For i = 1 To Len(e) step 2
  27. t = Mid(e, i, 2)
  28. If Asc(t) >= Asc("0") And Asc(t) <= Asc("9") Then
  29. NewN = NewN & t
  30. Exit For
  31. End If
  32. HiN = Mid(t, 1, 1)
  33. LoN = Mid(t, 2, 1)
  34. HiN = (Asc(HiN) - Asc("M")) * 16
  35. LoN = Asc(LoN) - Asc("C")
  36. t = CStr(HiN Or LoN)
  37. If Len(t) = 1 Then t = "0" & t
  38. NewN = NewN & t
  39. Next
  40. e = CDbl(NewN) * sign
  41. Decrypt = CLng((7 + sqr(49 - 4 * (-450 - e))) / 2 - 1570)
  42. End Function


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