/ Published in: Regular Expression

wiki files accumulate google-navclient-hilite junk created by the search highlighter in the google toolbar. Search the internet for "SPAN id google-navclient-hilite" and expect to see wiki entries with markup junk generated by the google toolbar.
The regular expression find-and-replace can clean it up using the RegEx shown in Source, below.
The regular expression find-and-replace can clean it up using the RegEx shown in Source, below.
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/* Replace this: with this: Word Notes: The chars '<'>' obviously appear in the html code as < and > The minimal or lazy search operator used in Visual Studio is '#' which is roughly equivalent to '+?' in other RegEx syntax. {...} is the tagged expression to be replace - again, Visual Studio syntax. Test vectors used (snipplr stripped the complete SPAN markup): (Visual Studio 2008 syntax) */ find: <SPAN id=google-navclient-hilite style="COLOR\:.#; BACKGROUND-COLOR\:.#">{.#}<\/SPAN> replace with: \1