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provide file via URL var, and script will grab it & force download. Take a look at code, and add some of your filetypes if required
2 3052 posted 15 years ago by acosonic
Retrieves a filename from a complete url
4 970 posted 15 years ago by nate63179
Creates backups of "file.ext" in the form "file.Bx.ext", where Bx represents a sequential backup number from 1 (most recent) to 5 (oldest) Put the following symbolic links in your path ln -s path-to-this-file/age.py age ln -s path-to-...
0 767 posted 15 years ago by SimonTite
0 780 posted 15 years ago by ReeceMarsland
Create log.txt in scripts directory and set permissions to 0666 before use.
0 768 posted 15 years ago by Nek
Used to transfer files with low overhead.
0 538 posted 15 years ago by mushookies
Easy file create/write script
0 608 posted 15 years ago by jspicher
1 695 posted 15 years ago by brandonio21
This snippet is just an upgrade to the "http://snipplr.com/view/7396/php-file-extension-case-changer/" code. This particular code works on image files... although you can just change this line [if (preg_match("/(jpg|gif|png|bmp)/",$ext)) ] to target...
0 1326 posted 15 years ago by el-artiste
2 1003 posted 15 years ago by manatlan
0 838 posted 15 years ago by manatlan
0 921 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
This piece of code will store each line of a txt file into a mysql database
2 1182 posted 15 years ago by fackz
This function converts file size in bytes to the larger units. You can add bigger values like exa-, zetta-, yotta- bytes.
0 778 posted 15 years ago by kirik
Answer to one of the examples here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41522/tips-for-learning-elisp/59589#59589
0 1069 posted 15 years ago by bigfaceworm
for cmdparsing
0 981 posted 15 years ago by tandouri
By requinix
0 651 posted 15 years ago by smoover
0 752 posted 15 years ago by arpit
A few days ago i was looking for a script witch one will help me to unzip a file using PHP . There is 2 different ways to do it.One just execute a commend to unzip the file in the shell using PHP and another one is using library functions
2 915 posted 15 years ago by fackz
2 963 posted 15 years ago by cshaiku
Works great for parsing links in XML documents and arrays.
0 669 posted 15 years ago by stanosmith
Makes a mono 8-bit (i.e. one byte per sample) wav file, "out.wav" containing a 500 Hertz sine wave signal. 22050 is the sample rate, and 64000 is the total size of audio data in bytes.
1 844 posted 15 years ago by Zufolek
Proje güncellemeden önce güncelleme dosyalarının aranması için filtre, modify date olarak tarihinde verilmesi gerekiyor.
0 723 posted 15 years ago by tenkyu
loadfile(filename); returns NULL on fail or a pointer that should be free()d when no longer needed. savefile(filename,data,dataSize); returns 0 on fail or 1 on success.
0 861 posted 15 years ago by Zufolek
This is how I read a file using C#.
3 881 posted 15 years ago by stewshack
3 1085 posted 15 years ago by fackz
get the list of dirs process that list to cmd expressions run the file with cmd exprssns
0 622 posted 15 years ago by rowntreerob
4 841 posted 15 years ago by level09
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