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Another popup jQuery plugin implementation complying with YAGNI.
0 874 posted 12 years ago by p-baleine
Via @lmgalmeida Usage: data-src="image.jpg" src="loader.gif" $("img").unveil();
0 863 posted 12 years ago by digitalclubb
Don't forget to include jQuery validation plugin before this snippet. You can find it here: http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/
0 1293 posted 13 years ago by racl101
I always find issue when we want to show date in different format i.e other than mysql default format. (YYYY-MM-DD) using jquery plugin this date format can be converted into any specified date format i.e indian,US,Europe from any html element
0 861 posted 13 years ago by pavanrulz
0 665 posted 14 years ago by ontic
This is a simple effect for displaying a predefined text in a text box in web page. Download jQuery and the plugin and follows the sample code in [http://cloudgen.w0ng.hk/jquery/defaultText.php](http://cloudgen.w0ng.hk/jquery/defaultText.php "Defaul...
0 897 posted 14 years ago by cloudgen
This is just a basic jQuery crossfade plugin. Should be executed on a list object (ul or ol) because it does specifically look for the li children. The plugin, as implemented, has two options, speed and pause. Speed being the speed at which the top i...
0 649 posted 15 years ago by jdfwarrior
Allows for delay functionality in effects, etc. $("#navpanel").delay(2000).animate({top:"-250px"}, {easing:"swing"});
2 881 posted 15 years ago by ninjamuk
Extracts a string paremeter from the url query string. Basic operation wont handle multiples such as radio buttons etc. Just gets the first instance of the name and returns it's value.
1 686 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
Based on my Annotations plugin this plugin offers the ability to use Mask annotations to apply input masks over input elements on a page. Very much BETA. See comments for use. <!--@Mask("##/##/####")-->
0 821 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
The annotaion framework provides access to client side comment based DOM annotations. The framework does not imply any specific usage and is essentially useless on it's own. It merely provides another way to offer metadata for elements. An annota...
1 1851 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
jQuery Sketch Plugin
1 844 posted 16 years ago by gfazioli
After having trouble with xss and .getJSON() I wrote this. Solved my problems so here you go.
3 841 posted 16 years ago by twoism
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