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Clone any Github user's collection of public repositories
0 11335 posted 4 years ago by rootVIII
Show a colored and meaningful view of a GIT repository in the shell
0 1198 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Git log to see deleted line
0 888 posted 9 years ago by yaworsk
Set up a .git repository using terminal
0 1023 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
For git-flow style workflow where you prefix branch names with initials "sc/branchname"
0 806 posted 10 years ago by eighteyes
This snippet is used to set some wordpress directories / paths directly to the server name.
0 940 posted 11 years ago by mralexjuarez
How to obtain all the commits that occurred between two dates
0 1054 posted 11 years ago by satie83
git checkout remote branch
0 908 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
git delete local branch
2 887 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
Git create new branch
2 856 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
Push branch to remote in git.
1 888 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
Script per copiar els fitxers canviats en una revisió git al servidor remot via sftp, using PHP Secure Communications Library (phpseclib): http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpseclib/. Útil per usar amb 1and1.
0 943 posted 11 years ago by marcniko
customized version of Sexy Bash Prompt
1 1224 posted 11 years ago by oxnard
I am using git and working on master branch. This branch has a file called app.js . I have an experiment branch in which I made a bunch of changes and tons of commit. Now I want to bring all the changes done only to app.js from experiment to maste...
0 1076 posted 12 years ago by satie83
I have a Git repository with few branches and dangling commits. I would like to search all such commits in repository for a specific string.
0 957 posted 12 years ago by satie83
You’ll receive a list of your stale remote-tracking branches. If you run it without –dry-run option, it will remove them for you.
0 876 posted 12 years ago by satie83
It's necessary that the commit hasn't pushed by anyone
0 786 posted 12 years ago by satie83
This shows the local and remote branches along with the most recent commit for each branch.
0 1035 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Hash of the commit which you want to show a303aa90779efdd2f6b9d90693e2cbbbe4613c1d
0 1351 posted 12 years ago by satie83
how to make the Git remote repository read-only by configuring a non-functional push URL
0 873 posted 12 years ago by m1b
How do you make an existing git branch track a remote branch
0 924 posted 12 years ago by satie83
0 780 posted 12 years ago by satie83
0 791 posted 12 years ago by satie83
I want to get a list of all the branches in a Git repository with the "freshest" branches at the top, where the "freshest" branch is the one that's been committed to most recently (and is, therefore, more likely to be one I want to pay attention to).
0 849 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Reset a branch. Notably used for moving a commit from one branch to another, or fix a commit on 'no branch'
0 947 posted 12 years ago by Glycerine
A crude script to query the GitHub API for a given Organisation, and backup its repositories and associated members forks.
0 1097 posted 12 years ago by slinky
1 1038 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
Combine multiple smaller incremental commits into larger ones, perfect for encouraging you to commit often while enabling you to summarize a day's work into one, or more, simplified commit. WARNING: Only do this on commits that haven’t been push...
0 883 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
I create this script which let me add the gitk in the Programming Application menu in my gnome this way I don't need to open a shell and go to the repository base to view the rep tree
0 792 posted 12 years ago by ferro
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