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Here’s a super handy snippet that I use very often. It works very simply: once the user clicks on #submit, the data from #form is serialized and sent to a remote page using the POST method.
0 2081 posted 7 years ago by catswhocode
Displaying Contact Form 7 fields on 2 columns using CSS.
0 1281 posted 8 years ago by deliciousthemes
this gets rid of all default form styles set by browser
0 1043 posted 8 years ago by vaisakh
Allows for forname.o'[email protected]
0 1061 posted 9 years ago by flatearthcomms
Simple script to send SMS throught our HTTP API (Afilnet) with PHP. Steps: 1.- Register in Afilnet. http://www.afilnet.com/anunciante/registrar.php 2.- Login and get credits (10 free) to send SMS 3.- Use this script or html form example include in...
1 1118 posted 9 years ago by Afilnet
Translate non alphanumeric characters into an underscore. Doesn't create double underscores if there's two spaces in a row. Also turns name to lowercase. Use with trim to avoid spaces at front or end.
0 1621 posted 9 years ago by flatearthcomms
Contact Form in HTML - without CSS - html 4 compatibility
0 1338 posted 10 years ago by lpiaitdepok
Select aus vorhandenen Daten des Datenbankobjektes
0 869 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
Jump start effort required to create a simple order form. Form collects product/service info, shipping details, payment details and customer billing/shipping details.
1 1287 posted 10 years ago by FlashBuddy
Permet de préremplir des champs avec le premier et le dernier jour du mois courant au format jj/mm/aaaa
0 1263 posted 10 years ago by Igeco
Méthode n'autorisant que les nombres (positifs/négatifs/décimaux avec virgules ou points) dans un champ
0 1101 posted 10 years ago by Igeco
N'autorise que les chiffres (avec , ou . ou négatifs) dans un input
0 1036 posted 10 years ago by sebabarre
To select a US State from a form.
1 1177 posted 10 years ago by windmarble
How to submit a form asynchronously and get result in JSON
0 1010 posted 10 years ago by DennisvanderStelt
SASS to customize the appearance of select inputs
0 1066 posted 10 years ago by eklemen
Tested in Firefox 4, Safari 4, Chrome 14, Opera 10, IE 8 (and newer)
0 1106 posted 11 years ago by jntu_gnec
This code shows how we post HTML form by AJAX and jQuery.
0 1220 posted 11 years ago by khaled__mahmoud
Draw a border around the form. Add to the paint event handler.
0 1178 posted 11 years ago by thomas-h
A set of common From scripting tasks
1 1040 posted 11 years ago by chetkloss
In modern browsers select options can now be style using most css properties. Of course, IE is still behind but it does support some styling as well. There are a lot more options on the site.
0 968 posted 11 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
Removes $ from HTML form post, allows only number and decimal points. Has $ display in field but disappear when onfocus.
1 1007 posted 12 years ago by lromak
JavaScript is the only option, if you want to have the ability to clear all form fields. Yes, HTML form has Reset method, but if the form has initial values, then Reset will return the form to the initial state instead of clear input fields. This exa...
1 995 posted 12 years ago by laxman2021
Allows you to click a given checkbox X, then shift click another checkbox Y. All checkboxes between X and Y will be checked or unchecked based on the state of checkbox Y. i.e. if you're unchecking Y all boxes between X and Y will also be unchecked.
1 1376 posted 12 years ago by ReedD19
With jQuery and SPServices, we have very powerful tools for accessing and manipulating Sharepoint data and precisiely contolling the presentation, entirely from the client side. But such solutions generally need to be either hard-coded into pages or...
0 1537 posted 12 years ago by rumremix
If Chrome is bothering with unknown borders and things like that, just apply this.
0 843 posted 12 years ago by valenzine
this snippet is for this html structure %form %ol %li %label Label: %input
0 951 posted 12 years ago by Merstzik
Simply changes the name attribute on input elements when the page is loaded.
0 861 posted 12 years ago by stevielamb83
If someone put text into an input field (or automatic e.g. with a 2d barcode scanner) and you want to replace a part of the input (pattern) then will help this small jquery code snippet.
0 1264 posted 12 years ago by bassdas
This send any value via POST to a PHP page. It is done with AJAX, so the POST return can be used on the same page as the submit
0 1209 posted 12 years ago by rickygri
This javascript function takes the URL of the target page and an associative array of name/values paires and POSTs the data to the supplied URL by dynamically creating a form and then submitting it.
0 2884 posted 12 years ago by rickygri
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