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Show information about a user in a Windows domain
0 923 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Copy files recursively in Windows
0 981 posted 9 years ago by wesleydepoorter
`mysql-dev.ini` can be used in a developing environment and put it in the Mysql Home dir
0 1182 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
**Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-set-temporary-path/ "set-mysqlRT-Env.bat") pluss other bash commond *...
0 1075 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Run `mysqladmin` to shutdown msyql server with a specified option file. **Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-...
0 1141 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Run a Mysql server using command line with a specified option file. **Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-set-...
0 1107 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
don't forgot to add capability ID_CAP_IDENTIFY_DEVICE
0 849 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
for save settings in windows phone
0 776 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
Open Windows Explorer to the SharePoint 2013 hive using a batch file. Double-click the batch file.
0 1197 posted 11 years ago by adove
7zip commandline builder for zipping extensions in an svn repository
0 991 posted 12 years ago by lookmatters
Get Current URL Path on Apache / IIS
2 1327 posted 12 years ago by rickygri
Registro manual de una libreria o proceso DLL en windows
0 918 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
command to shutdown / restart windows
0 725 posted 12 years ago by gaserland
I had hear about a method to run a method like an executable, with the arguments being passed in from the commandline. Apparently, Ruby has this with the Rake project. Well, Python has it with [Shovel](http://devblog.seomoz.org/2012/03/shovel-rake-fo...
0 915 posted 12 years ago by pckujawa
This is a fraction of a much larger script which does multiple tasks. This scriptlet is intended to be interactive and somewhat user-friendly. First, it asks if you want to place the computer into sleep mode, then it kills pesky processes associated...
1 1145 posted 12 years ago by Rectifier
Uses the sysinternals (microsoft) utility PsLogList to save specified event logs to files and then clears them. Method can be used to save logs as .evt and .evtx. This script has four event logs listed as an example and has a template command comment...
0 1574 posted 12 years ago by Rectifier
This is a simple batch script to clear the event logs from a windows 7 or server 2008 machine. The script does *not* save these logs. This was tested on a local machine but could be adapted for remote use.
1 1253 posted 12 years ago by Rectifier
Terminate Rising anti-virus program's annoying ad. popup window process "popwndexe.exe", remove from its config file "RsMgrsvc.ini".
0 733 posted 12 years ago by breakerzhao
script imports svn dump into the repository
0 971 posted 12 years ago by altern
Batch script creates repository dump of specific project in repository. It assumes that repository has following structure: /project1 /trunk /tags /branches /project2 /trunk /tags /b...
0 987 posted 12 years ago by altern
Batch script creates initial svn repository structure according to SCM framework (http://scm.altern.kiev.ua): /project /trunk /tags /builds /PA /A /B...
0 953 posted 12 years ago by altern
'svn add' all unversioned files in a working copy to svn repository recursively on windows
0 1139 posted 12 years ago by altern
Useful to open an image for viewing from the command line under Windows, in this example the image is generated by the GraphViz dot command.
0 1773 posted 13 years ago by m1b
TheGun is a great Windows Notepad replacement, but it's a bit painful in how it registers itself when you choose it to open a file. If you save it in "C:\Program Files\TheGun\THEGUN.EXE" and add something this to your registry, it should work nicely...
0 957 posted 13 years ago by johngh
Easily create Windows Forms Shortcuts with this class. For example: A shortcut to catch pasting via Ctrl + V. Shortcut sc = new Shortcut(this, new Action(() => MessageBox.Show("Data pasted!"))); sc.Keys.Add(Keys.ControlKey); sc.Keys.Add(Keys.V)...
0 910 posted 13 years ago by Currysuechtig
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