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Select the first and last item in an unordered list. As an example, I add a CSS class to each. In WordPress, it's not so easy to get wp\_list\_pages() to generate these classes. jQuery provides an easy out for javascript-enabled clients.
0 1029 posted 15 years ago by cyberhobo
Enables you customise the colour of your <li> bullet points.
0 874 posted 15 years ago by nostradamuszen
0 1118 posted 15 years ago by CuDDL
0 744 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
This snippet will create an array of all images in a directory and sub-directories and display them randomly.
4 3481 posted 15 years ago by superuntitled
Like python's os.listdir
1 1036 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
0 510 posted 15 years ago by gba
This will create and then populate a MySQL table with a list of the names for countries in existence. Country names are in Turkish language.
0 1250 posted 15 years ago by sensimevanidus
some basic *nix terminal commands
0 794 posted 15 years ago by stiobhart
identify listening ports and services running on these ports
0 716 posted 15 years ago by stiobhart
This code replaces a normal category template. It sorts all posts by their category/subcategory instead of bunching them all together and ordering them by date. A bit complicated to explain in a box this size... Check the link for a run through!
1 935 posted 15 years ago by rocktronica
like array_key_exists but accepts an array of key values to check
0 562 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
2 1002 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
Turns the list [1,2,3] to ['1','2','3']
0 737 posted 15 years ago by fnurl
This is how NetTuts does their filterable Portfolio.
3 929 posted 15 years ago by conspirator
This will return a list of all the tables in a certain database along with their row count.
1 915 posted 15 years ago by blackf0rk
Generates an options list of years for a select box, going from current year backwards through the number of years specified in the first variable. Useful for birthday fields on signup forms. eg. 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 ... 1912, 1911, 1910, 190...
3 1125 posted 15 years ago by iridium
I made this ;) Python's operator class is what you need to know if you want to avoid using lambda functions or define your own helper functions in many cases.
1 925 posted 15 years ago by fnurl
First of all, for all Stackoverflow.com members who have seen my question about this snippet on Stackoverflow, yes I am the same person as WebDevhobo. Last time I asked a question about something I posted here I got a bucketload of comments saying I...
1 1129 posted 15 years ago by Vordreller
0 853 posted 15 years ago by albertomori
This command will fix the “The list is too large to save as a template. The size of a template cannot exceed 10485760 bytes." error when saving a list (including content) that's too big.
0 825 posted 15 years ago by blackf0rk
0 645 posted 15 years ago by scalhoun2005
The .jpg extension can be changed to any extension. So if you want to pull out only .txt files, you just need to replace the .jpg with .txt. If you want to list ALL files, just remove the condition.
1 1120 posted 15 years ago by fackz
Starting from jQuery 1.3
1 958 posted 15 years ago by omixen
This will create a bulleted list using images as the bullets.
2 817 posted 15 years ago by cbx
3 894 posted 15 years ago by fruehjahr
Use the Ka.Util.getLocationParam utility method to get the mediaType GET parameter: --<br> For more tips and tricks checkout the <a href="http://www.kickdeveloper.com/resources">KickApps resources page</a>.
0 687 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
Removes all children from the specified scopes display list. Straight out of Colin Moock's Essential ActionScript 3 book.
1 649 posted 15 years ago by jpdevries
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