
Member since 12/18/2008

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<a href="javascript:(function(){var%20ids=[];jQuery('*').each(function(){if(!==''){if(ids[]){console.log('duplicate%20id%20found:%20',this,ids[])}else{ids[]=this}}});})();">Find duplicate IDs</a> (drag me...
1 946 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
Here's a quick snippet of code to raise the minimum age of your site. Note that it is illegal to lower the legal age of your site under 13. Legal Disclaimer: Affiliate shall indemnify and hold KickApps, its licensors and each such party's parent o...
0 635 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
Sometime, you need unique classes on the leave join button of the groups page. Place this script in your AC footer. --<br> For more tips and tricks checkout the <a href="">KickApps resources page</a>.
0 843 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
In this example below I am moving the "recent blogs" module in "My Home" to the very top. I have placed this code in the footer of my Affiliate Center wrapped in script tags. For maximum efficiency: 1) Use the inspect tool in Firebug to find the...
0 621 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
This is a basic script that will redirect a non-member to the login page with a custom message. Place the code between script tags in your Affiliate Center header. To use: 1) replace loginPage variable with your *login URL. 2) replace accessMe...
0 534 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
Use the Ka.Util.getLocationParam utility method to get the mediaType GET parameter: --<br> For more tips and tricks checkout the <a href="">KickApps resources page</a>.
0 657 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
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