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Cross browser.
0 816 posted 12 years ago by Abiotic
Two ways of printing a message backwards using either string slicing, or list() function.
0 757 posted 12 years ago by jdsantiagojr
This PHP code is made to help people using the ActionScript 3 AlivePDF library to save PDF files from a Flash app to a server. ActionScript 3 AlivePDF save code: _pdf.save(Method.REMOTE, "save.php", Download.ATTACHMENT, "MyFile.pdf");
0 1069 posted 12 years ago by vamapaull
Se pide 3 numeros al usuario y luego se pregunta si lo quiere en orden ascendente o descendente.
0 3126 posted 12 years ago by Chaqui
It's very useful if you build a FLV player for example, and want to convert the time into minutes:seconds (example: 6:13) //apply it to your project like this (and don't forget to import the class): time.text = TimeUtil.getTimecode(timeValue);
0 1060 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
Glavni program zadatka 3
0 721 posted 13 years ago by boki567
Zadatak 3, strukture podataka
0 742 posted 13 years ago by perogina
Programsko rješenje za zadatak 3 iz kolegija Strukture podataka.
0 759 posted 13 years ago by kkovacic
An easy way to detect shakes on mobile devices with equipped accelerometer.
0 1148 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
0 900 posted 13 years ago by adrianspiegel
0 800 posted 14 years ago by vlsekovan
0 620 posted 14 years ago by FilipJ
0 769 posted 14 years ago by shalomfriss
3 998 posted 14 years ago by jaff
This is a sound manager class for a small project I've been working on for the past two days. Nothing really major or new, but just some simple functionality including play/stop/forward/previous functions that may help prove useful to someone. If you...
1 989 posted 15 years ago by alvincrespo
0 621 posted 15 years ago by n8gk
This is a snippet that will animate in a circle in a clockwise fashion based on the parameters the function is passed. It can be used to create a circular or clock wipe when used as a mask.
2 1078 posted 15 years ago by sottenad
0 1096 posted 15 years ago by antpaw
On a new actions layer, add the following script to frames requiring to be paused. 10000 represents the delay milliseconds (10 seconds).
1 1258 posted 15 years ago by hotdiggity
1. Create button that covers the entire ad. 2. Create an instance of the button on the main timeline and name it "clickTag_bn" in the properties palette. 3. On a new layer add ActionScript to the timeline as follows:
2 964 posted 15 years ago by hotdiggity
This snippet uses the as3corelib which you can download on this page: http://code.google.com/p/as3corelib/
3 883 posted 15 years ago by publicbroadcast
4 1016 posted 15 years ago by benwasilewski
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