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Here’s a super handy snippet that I use very often. It works very simply: once the user clicks on #submit, the data from #form is serialized and sent to a remote page using the POST method.
0 1807 posted 6 years ago by catswhocode
Make a simple XHR Request: get(url, function(resp)(){ window.alert(resp); }); Source is minified.
0 847 posted 9 years ago by geneticcode
How to submit a form asynchronously and get result in JSON
0 843 posted 10 years ago by DennisvanderStelt
Amasty developed AJAX Scroll extension to make catalog navigation much faster and easier.
0 889 posted 10 years ago by Amasty
More info: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10908562/is-there-something-similar-to-window-load-for-executing-a-function-after
0 904 posted 10 years ago by rickygri
Include any external text file within html; HTML, CSS and Javascript all work.
0 845 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
This code shows how we post HTML form by AJAX and jQuery.
0 1034 posted 11 years ago by khaled__mahmoud
simple code of using Ajax by JavaScript or jQuery
0 972 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
Get the ajax complete event after filtering a view content in drupal
0 882 posted 11 years ago by apmartins
This snippet shows how to retrieve information from the SEO plugin of Yoast, to be used for front-end use. This snippet is taken from the opensource free Nexus WP framework supporting front-end editing, custom layout and drag & drop.
0 781 posted 11 years ago by barkgj
Send array through ajax tools request to js
0 974 posted 11 years ago by dosde
in jquery mobile, .html() not refresh DOM. Execute this function after any DOM change.
0 1010 posted 11 years ago by goo
So, you define a couple of fake funcs and require WP database config, after this you can require wp-db.php, create new wpdb and use it independency of WP for your ajax actions.
0 840 posted 11 years ago by Zayac
CSS3 Ajax Loading Animation ======== This is a simulation for the popular gif animated images. The reason why i choose to do it in css3 is the flexibility of re-using it in different sizes, different colors and the transparency issues in gif anim...
1 801 posted 11 years ago by MohamedAlaa
This will monitor the status of all ajax calls on the page. When ajax starts i show an animated spinner gif and display a message that ajax has been requested. On completion of a call the status returned is displayed and the spinner is hidden to in...
1 792 posted 11 years ago by halk
This send any value via POST to a PHP page. It is done with AJAX, so the POST return can be used on the same page as the submit
0 1030 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
paginar resultados con jquery y ajax, permite ingresar condiciones (where, like, =...) solo se ingresa el nombre de los campos de la base de datos que se desean listar ver opciones.
1 995 posted 12 years ago by rickyslow
simple ajax submit (example is from jquery doc)
0 737 posted 12 years ago by artaserse
Basic setup code for jQuery, linking to Google APIs for the jQuery library.
2 1099 posted 12 years ago by adrianparr
accessing getdev action of home controller which returns jsonresult
1 844 posted 12 years ago by root_hacker
1 780 posted 12 years ago by vitorbari
From time to time I need a Ajax function to not cashe the template it load. I only have notest this problem in IE.
1 763 posted 12 years ago by Tyde
And how you do this?
1 960 posted 12 years ago by graceman9
0 773 posted 12 years ago by jose_506
1 860 posted 12 years ago by kyabas
Operación Ajax básica con jQuery
0 730 posted 12 years ago by n19ht
I took this out of an example in tutsplus, and I added a fadeIn action for aesthetic reasons.
0 990 posted 13 years ago by luizlopes
0 769 posted 13 years ago by devnull69
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