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Very helpful function for sorting multi-dimensional arrays
0 1033 posted 13 years ago by chasecrawford
Ordena Array Bidimensional Asociativo de acuerdo a parametro del array.
0 836 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
By not being limited to provide certain arguments/parameters in right order when calling a function, makes the function more versatile and easier to extend without breaking old code (e.g. calls to the function). One solution is to pass an associati...
0 1061 posted 13 years ago by coprolit
Ordena cualquier array multidimensional en base a un campo específico
0 996 posted 13 years ago by n19ht
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 php array
0 853 posted 13 years ago by freezy
Used to sort array of objects by it's property Note: Anonymous functions are available since PHP 5.3.0.
0 1229 posted 13 years ago by Rain
ASCIIEncoding class has another method, GetByte(), which does the opposite of this one.
1 999 posted 13 years ago by roboninjapiratejesus
Takes the collection 'david' and gives a unique array of the keys used.
0 975 posted 13 years ago by lemcoe9
There seems to be no easy way to insert a key and value at the beginning of an array, as array_unset does not allow you to specify a key. This is not a very efficient way to do it, but it works. Pretend the array is currently: array("a"=>"b", "c"...
0 1288 posted 13 years ago by lemcoe9
Rather than creating an array of images where you list each image individually this will loop through images that all have the filename "frame-X.png" where X is a number from 1 to 20. So if you have a series of images "frame-1.png", "frame-2.png" th...
0 1515 posted 13 years ago by ggrngg
1 891 posted 13 years ago by darkbaron1912
Esta función permite transformar un objeto a un array.
0 780 posted 13 years ago by n19ht
0 663 posted 13 years ago by zackattack27
Function to import array of php data to pod table
0 924 posted 13 years ago by stewartduffy
For this to work you need the as3corelib classes from here ... https://github.com/mikechambers/as3corelib
0 2887 posted 13 years ago by adrianparr
a more useful way of printing php arrays in a nice readable format and able to decode serialized and json_encoded strings.
0 1029 posted 13 years ago by liamchapman
0 865 posted 13 years ago by nebojsac
source: http://stellapower.net/content/javascript-support-and-arrayindexof-ie/<br> source: http://www.robsearles.com/2010/03/11/ie-7-indexof-replacement/
0 703 posted 13 years ago by shabith
3rd argument of 'add_action' function is priority, by default set to 10. This is a much simpler way of reorder posts exactly as you want them to appear.
1 655 posted 13 years ago by mrgurner