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procedure to throw application defined error
0 733 posted 8 years ago by ktrout
The try ... except statement has an optional else clause, which, when present, must follow all except clauses. It is useful for code that must be executed if the try clause does not raise an exception. For example:
0 858 posted 8 years ago by ManishChandraReddy
// create a variable to toggle debugging // to use it, just call debug(with,any,optional,parameters) debug(x,y,z); // it will try to guess what type of message to log, or you can specify in the first parameter debug("error",x,y,z);
1 1013 posted 8 years ago by brandonjp
This example shows you how to log errors to a file, and prevent showing them to the user. Make sure that the file exists and you're able to write to it.
0 862 posted 9 years ago by apphp-snippets
This will print out a variable to a <pre>
0 683 posted 10 years ago by brownrl
This example shows you how to define custom error pages in .htaccess file and also how to display the error page on your site. You may create separate files for each error, described in Sample 1 or just create the one PHP file for Sample 2. Here...
0 827 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
A simple message box created with only one div container with background and border color, some margin and padding for position the text message nicely, I set the width for 500px, you can change it to auto or any fixed value you want.
1 775 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
This will prevent CURL to verity the HTTPS certification.
0 605 posted 11 years ago by akem
easy way of catching and displaying errors and return values from a exec() command back in PHP.
0 750 posted 11 years ago by iroybot
easy way of catching and displaying errors and return values from a exec() command back in PHP.
0 875 posted 11 years ago by iroybot
Just an error log from TelecinePlay. Please.. don't share error logs in public..
0 869 posted 11 years ago by novazoo
1 885 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
CSS snippet for diagnostics to find empty elements etc.
0 624 posted 12 years ago by Terion
Boiler Plate for T-Sql Error handling
1 731 posted 12 years ago by amos24c
Only Show Errors in Development Stage (Mostrar erros somente no estágio de desenvolvimento)
0 717 posted 12 years ago by cdohost
0 619 posted 13 years ago by manuelpedrera
0 746 posted 13 years ago by zealmurapa
0 749 posted 13 years ago by mindshare
0 750 posted 13 years ago by pickyj
2 718 posted 13 years ago by sjacunningham
Refer here for a full overview: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/quick-tip-email-error-logs-to-yourself-with-php/
9 1007 posted 13 years ago by Nettuts
So i wanted to spit all my error_log(); and error_reporting(E_ALL); to syslog on my MacOSX and syslog would output it on a custom file.
0 960 posted 13 years ago by sadus
I'm originally a sys admin and i love "tail - f /var/log/*" ... so i created a similar function in PHP that will allow me to view in real time what classes/functions/files/lines of my code is being run... The usage is really simple, just set a glo...
1 1312 posted 13 years ago by sadus
Solucion a error cuando mudamos una bd de una pc a otra y luego no podemos crear un diagrama de la BD
2 832 posted 13 years ago by derebus
how to get your apache error log
0 714 posted 13 years ago by adriamooney
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