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The new updated introduced auto scrolling to highlighted elements, possibility to hide 'next' and 'skip' buttons, add html markup in description, and more.
0 1459 posted 10 years ago by lanagio
This step-by-step tutorial describes how to build an HTML5-based mobile web app by means of Webix library (open source, GPL) and PhoneGap framework. As a result you’ll get an awesome native app for Android devices with rich UI and high performance.
0 1365 posted 10 years ago by kengajunior
Used to stretch a video / image to fill a background without skewing. Attach to resize events
0 1008 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
easy way to use placeholders before html5
0 806 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Logs offline application cache states. Swaps cache if updated version is available.
0 722 posted 12 years ago by zfisic
Para limpiar o borrar una parte especifica de nuestro canvas podemos usar la función clearRect()
0 1494 posted 12 years ago by maiden
Here we have simple javascript HTML5 support.
1 875 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
Here's how to use this: * To access something in the local storage, type `Evan.local('name')`. You may need to use `JSON.parse()` on this result. Returns `null` if nothing's there. * To assign something in the local storage, type `Evan.local('nam...
1 825 posted 12 years ago by EvanHahn
A quick, simple example of using Lawnchair to store and retrieve data for a jQuery Mobile based PhoneGap project. Written by a JavaScript newbie.
0 827 posted 13 years ago by ryanstewart
This is just a simple explanation of how to use the HTML5 local storage in javascript. The link has a more thorough explanation and an example for those interested. The examples to save, retrive, and clear are marked below.
0 851 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
The html5.js and must be inserted in the head element (this is because IE needs to know about the element before it comes to render them - so it can't sit in the footer of the page, i.e. below the elements in question).
0 880 posted 13 years ago by blantonious
This function emulates support for placeholder text on form elements, run it inside a loop or call it by passing in a specific id reference
1 837 posted 13 years ago by errkk
In a recent iphone webapp I developed, I needed to use safari's Local Database feature. The webapp needed to make a few SQL Queries while performing other actions. The local database data transaction process makes it difficult to make queries and...
0 962 posted 13 years ago by cmndo
Use this to enhance non firefox browsers to support the sendAsBinary method.
1 676 posted 13 years ago by theshoveller
JavaScript file that creates the HTML5 elements for IE8 and below (by Remy Sharp). Just call the file from the head of the html in a conditional comment [if lte IE 8].
0 691 posted 14 years ago by polly42
2 937 posted 14 years ago by nveselinov
Uses html5 geolocation to determine device position and sets this as the starting point for directions on a Google Map. Use modernizer to detect support.\r\n\r\nhttp://diveintohtml5.org/geolocation.html\r\n\r\nhttp://code.google.com/apis/maps/docume...
1 1242 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
0 777 posted 14 years ago by ichnoweb
The `localStorage.key` method is a great way to loop over localStorage items.
0 730 posted 14 years ago by andrew8088
HTML5 geolocation using the new HTML5 geolocation API, JavaScript and Google Maps. HTML5 geolocation detection is included. This will work in almost every modern browser except IE, but if your browser does not support it, it will tell you so. It will...
3 1125 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
[via rtcrm] Since HTML5 is getting [more](http://www.brucelawson.co.uk/tests/html5-elements.html) [attention](http://adactio.com/journal/1540/) by way of marking up our new pages, and the only way to get IE to acknowledge the new elements, such as...
0 793 posted 14 years ago by mennyj
Video For Everybody is a great way to use the `<video>` tag with fallbacks for QuickTime or Flash for users with old browsers, but it requires that every video be encoded twice (once for the MP4 and once for the OGG). This code (which requires Moo...
0 861 posted 15 years ago by Kit
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