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Useful for building nested entries checkboxes etc
0 933 posted 10 years ago by davidb
Aliases command "go!" to starting AND restarting rails server for a project from anywhere in the filesystem. Replace PROJECT_HOME with the path to your project. Place in config.fish
0 799 posted 10 years ago by Epigene
A very concise ruby on rails helper method that converts seconds into human readable format. It will not display any time periods that have 0 (ie: 1 hour 13 seconds - skipping minutes as there were none) Due to complexity, months were not factored...
0 1772 posted 10 years ago by uberdragon
I had a spreadsheet with a ton of data on it that I wanted in my seeds file. Using example columns in your database titled db_column1, db_column2, db_column3. Place your .xls file into your public folder and run 'gem install roo'
0 936 posted 10 years ago by asalgan
You want to start a new Rails app. But you also want to start a new RVM gemset for the app so you can start with the latest Rails and gems. In this code snippet I show how I start off an up-to-date Rails project in a clean gemset.
1 1107 posted 11 years ago by dreamstarter
If you're using Rails and want to make this a global function, drop this into your application_controller and call it as a function. Example: # get_string_between("hellomyfriendmoto", 'o', 'm') # > myfriend
0 1455 posted 11 years ago by joshmn
Supported brands name | key ----------------------- American Express | :amex China UnionPay | :unionpay Diners Club | :diners Dinner Club US | :diners_us Discover | :discover...
0 2154 posted 11 years ago by Fivell
Working on the problem described here: http://forums.att.com/t5/Data-Messaging-Features-Internet/3G-proxy-wnsnet-attws-com-strips-HTTP-response-headers/m-p/3294533/highlight/false#M59737 After some testing we found the below code to fix our troubl...
0 1056 posted 11 years ago by mightybs
= Rake Task for Rails * name: name of the task * desc: description of the task
0 1024 posted 12 years ago by cliffbraton
Esto suele ocurrer muy amenudo cuando instalamos Ruby on Rails antes que MySQL. Es un error "Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib (LoadError)" donde lista los directorios donde busca y no lo encuentra. La solución es guiarle para que lo encue...
0 951 posted 12 years ago by skozz
An example method for fetching remote JSON data in Ruby.
2 1178 posted 13 years ago by vestimir
0 961 posted 13 years ago by guhelouis
0 1011 posted 13 years ago by abstraktor
0 1010 posted 13 years ago by avioli
Data Types for DB, MySQL, SQLite, PHP, Ruby, Rails, JS, etc. because I forget them sometimes from Ruby on Rails Guides: Migrations http://bit.ly/hFWjT0 from Rails Migrations http://bit.ly/hI5zpz
0 1052 posted 13 years ago by brandonjp
Ruby / Rails - A refresher reference for me because I forget how to do this... create project generate scaffold scaffolding migrate db start server
0 1119 posted 13 years ago by brandonjp
links (full <a href="#"> element) to Show Edit Destroy Delete records in view *.erb must be in the record loop:
0 1906 posted 13 years ago by brandonjp
if then statement... in a view file *.html.erb:
0 1578 posted 13 years ago by brandonjp
If each title is unique and you need alphabetical, try this in your Post model. You can change title to any unique attribute (created_at, id, etc.) if you need a different sort order.
0 882 posted 14 years ago by gmericksen
0 1068 posted 14 years ago by batamire
This will require a user to log back in if they are inactive for more than 10 minutes. In order for this feature to be used you must have a last_request_at datetime column in your table for whatever model you are authenticating with.
0 1022 posted 14 years ago by gmericksen
0 721 posted 14 years ago by stayce
0 951 posted 14 years ago by alx_g
tag links with .click function
0 923 posted 14 years ago by insanedreamer
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