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Power search the internet to save time (everything you need in one place), save research work effort (time saved by less clicks and less surfing), save money (shopping comparisons). Here you can search all the top search engines in a dual pane window...
0 921 posted 10 years ago by trollize
A nice looking search button built with css3
0 794 posted 12 years ago by CKOink
0 623 posted 13 years ago by adriano
2 821 posted 13 years ago by rwczippy
The Google search URL accepts two fields, `as_oq` and `as_eq`, which give additional required or forbidden keywords for the search. This allows to create search forms which add preset keywords. In the search form below, one of the keywords test, re...
0 703 posted 14 years ago by deepsoul
0 446 posted 14 years ago by remcotolsma
Si alojas tus fotos en Flickr y tienes un fotolog o simplemente quieres poner un buscador de tus fotos en Flickr en tu blog, aquí tienes la forma, es muy sencillo, sólo tienes que poner el siguiente código. Donde tenéis que cambiar el ID 38901...
1 985 posted 18 years ago by doctorlogos
A rough search form based on usage with googleboxes and xslt templates for results.
0 1709 posted 18 years ago by luxuryluke
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