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Theme Switcher is a free Magento Extension that lets store owner display different themes based upon customer's devices <p>_ Auto-switch store layout based on access devices</p> <p>_ Manage themes in back-end</p> <p>_ Support computer, mobile, tab...
0 874 posted 9 years ago by magestore
This snippet shows you how to reload the UIAppearance of an application after changes made on the proxies. This is required because iOS nativaly only load appearance proxies on "applicationDidFinishLaunching".
0 1753 posted 10 years ago by Nibli
A custom widget area for wordpress.
1 673 posted 10 years ago by JamesAbels
It's a 3 part process, first is the PHP that you need to run, which includes the appropriate scripts and styles into the admin header, then you need an html button and input field to put the stored value in, then you need some jQuery to open the popu...
0 736 posted 11 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
This creates a custom page template designed to run a Facebook photo contest utilizing the Facebook like button and uses Wordpress featured images for each post in a grid. This setup requires the following: - iLoveIt Wordpress Theme - Creat...
0 726 posted 11 years ago by SmashArtist
Place the function in your functions.php file of your theme... Then, simply call like this: wp_paginate('', 3); The first param is optional, the second dictates how many pages before and after the current page link will show...
0 633 posted 11 years ago by thewickedchemist
The non-working part of catalog.xml
0 859 posted 11 years ago by xaddict
Please comment or see the stackoverflow question to improve this.
0 829 posted 11 years ago by xaddict
default theme perfect menu
0 615 posted 12 years ago by webtechdev
For use with Headway Child Themes.
0 588 posted 12 years ago by codepunk
Disables the design editor in the VE when using a child theme.
0 564 posted 12 years ago by codepunk
Add stuff to the footer block.
0 602 posted 12 years ago by codepunk
Link to the current theme / template url for use in wordpress template.
0 692 posted 12 years ago by carouselcreative
This creates a theme options page for a wordpress theme.
0 684 posted 12 years ago by ddavidd
Example call: $menuName = sleek_get_theme_menu_name('footer-menu')
0 982 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
I use this to toss all the junk from the header, add a favicon, remove useless admin elements, and block WordPress' ancient jQuery file from embedding.
0 634 posted 12 years ago by ethicka
The Logo settings start on line 110 of the commented version.
0 712 posted 13 years ago by jeremyjared74
When creating a WordPress based website for a client, you may need to make sure that he can’t switch themes. This is what I’m going to show you in today’s recipe.
0 635 posted 13 years ago by jamiebrwr
Add a login form to your wordpress themes frontend.
0 886 posted 13 years ago by prwhitehead
This will build over time, and first be finish when I have all ressources and are satisfied with our corporate rss feed.
0 619 posted 13 years ago by kfiil
How to set a block into region with code
0 662 posted 13 years ago by kfiil
Implementation of phptemplate_preprocess. Enables that preprocess functions are in different files
0 625 posted 13 years ago by kfiil
0 656 posted 13 years ago by janvdm
Every time I start coding a new Tumblr theme I find myself writing the same Tumblr tags over and over again. That's why I decided to create a boilerplate, or a framework, that I can reuse for my next projects. I tried to cover most of the features...
4 759 posted 13 years ago by apaunchev
In addition to CSS style information for your theme, style.css provides details about the Theme in the form of comments. The stylesheet must provide details about the Theme in the form of comments. No two Themes are allowed to have the same details l...
0 1253 posted 13 years ago by blueocto
**Important: this snipplet has moved to Github.** - [Force the admin theme on additional non-admin paths in Drupal 6](https://gist.github.com/1973090)
3 807 posted 13 years ago by wildpeaks
How to enable Custom Navigation Menus in WordPress 3.0 Like the custom background, header image, and post thumbnails, the custom navigation menus also needs to be enabled through your theme’s functions.php file.
0 677 posted 13 years ago by johnnyrokkit
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