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Validate the credit card number and cvv code
0 2537 posted 10 years ago by satinfo30
This code demonstrates a simple way to validate IP address using preg_match() PHP function. This is a very simple code, that allows you to perform this task quickly with a minimum lines of code.
0 1136 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
Simple PHP functions to validate url, email address and ip, functions will return TRUE for valid data and FALSE for invalid data.
0 1247 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
Simple PHP functions to validate username, password and date, functions check the input format and allowed characters and then return TRUE for valid data and FALSE for invalid data.
0 3362 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
Validate the credit card number is valid or not
1 1137 posted 11 years ago by satinfo30
Special chars, Numbers validation.
0 1254 posted 12 years ago by laxman2021
Validates Numericals in a text box. Validates spaces in a text box.
0 1095 posted 12 years ago by laxman2021
Look if the given input could be a legal VAT-number. Accepts input with or without '.' between the numbers and must contain a County-code
0 1030 posted 12 years ago by MGHollander
Calling generateHash() with a single argument (the plain text password) will cause a random string to be generated and used for the salt. The resulting string consists of the salt followed by the SHA-1 hash - this is to be stored away in your databas...
3 997 posted 13 years ago by StevenW721
Validacion de email y string con php
0 965 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
Within your view, you place something like: <?=>session->flashdata('feedback') ?>
0 682 posted 13 years ago by screon
Full email validation with regex.
0 1475 posted 13 years ago by nebojsac
2 966 posted 13 years ago by frederichoule
This function can be used to validate an URL
0 942 posted 13 years ago by peckham
0 909 posted 14 years ago by Turek
The following function does a very simple check on the supplied string to help ensure it is a valid email address.
0 1002 posted 14 years ago by jprochazka
The following function validates and returns TRUE or FALSE if the supplied string could be a valid domain name format.
2 995 posted 14 years ago by jprochazka
Definitivo. Errore bassissimo.
2 1037 posted 14 years ago by tuffo19
1 771 posted 14 years ago by james0rion
run as callback from form_validation->setrules ex: $this->form_validation->set_rules('cc_number','Credit Card #','required|max_length[20]|callback_alpha_dash_space');
0 872 posted 14 years ago by myke
I used to have the strlen block and the 2 preg if blocks each separately return false throughout, but lately I'm in a single point of exit mindset. I cannot take credit for the regexps - I borrowed them from someone who borrowed them. If the real...
0 880 posted 14 years ago by philsown
0 799 posted 15 years ago by Michael01
PHP provides many date manipulation devices and an entire suite of date functionality with the datetime class. However, this does not address date validation, that is, what format a date is received in. The PHP strtotime() function will accept many f...
1 1223 posted 15 years ago by kanampo
This function validate a mail address in a smart way: if the address to validate has a correct syntax (checked with regular expression), it tries to connect to the mx server of the address. This means that the program have to use the smtp protocol to...
3 1143 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
0 664 posted 15 years ago by ksantoshp
This is a slightly hard core email check. I work for clients that want real email addresses. They pay quite a bit of money so yes, I am going to give what they want...
3 900 posted 15 years ago by brownrl
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